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Atomic: M.A.C. | Reference
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Occurrence and Production of Astatine
Natural Occurence
Astatine is the rarest naturally-occurring element, with the total amount in Earth's crust estimated to be less than 1 oz (28 g) at any given time; this amounts to less than one teaspoon of the element. The Guinness Book of Records has dubbed the element the rarest on Earth, stating: "Only around 25g of the element astatine (At) occurring naturally"; Isaac Asimov, in a 1955 essay on large numbers, scientific notation, and the size of the atom, wrote that in "all of North and South America to a depth of ten miles", the number of astatine atoms at any time was "only a trillion".
Its most stable isotope has a half-life of around 8.3 hours. Also, when astatine finishes decaying it becomes an isotope of lead.
Astatine is produced by bombarding bismuth with energetic alpha particles to obtain relatively long-lived 209At - 211At, which can then be distilled from the target by heating in the presence of air.